The 43 First Things Project: Week #3

  ‘When was the last time you did something for the first time?’ The question inspired me the project: Beginning March, the year 2013 has only 43 weeks to go before it lapsed. Each week, I’ll find ONE new thing to do for the FIRST time. And then I’ll post it. Week #3: READING OTHERContinue reading “The 43 First Things Project: Week #3”

Angel Love: A Mind Trick

“Angel Love” (Suggested to read first, before listening to the song. It’ll impact more.) . It’s no new news that music can really ‘play-around’ with our mind. Bringing back memory to a certain time, boosting up morning spirit, jumps up energy working out, exaggerating sadness, flowering falling-in-love heart, satisfying anger … they all do. TheContinue reading “Angel Love: A Mind Trick”

Don’t Just ‘Lean In’

Don’t Just ‘Lean In’: 10 Ways Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders Should Take Action Found this article from @GOOD twitter post, quoting a startup CEO Sarah McKinney’s words on women entrepreneurs. I’m not taking any credits on this post, as it is literally as is taken — because it is really as good. Here are 10Continue reading “Don’t Just ‘Lean In’”

The 43 First Things Project: Week #2

‘When was the last time you did something for the first time?’ The question inspired me the project: Beginning March, the year 2013 has only 43 weeks to go before it lapsed. Each week, I’ll find ONE new thing to do for the FIRST time. And then I’ll post it. Week #2: BECOMING A GUESTContinue reading “The 43 First Things Project: Week #2”