Don’t Just ‘Lean In’


Don’t Just ‘Lean In’: 10 Ways Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders Should Take Action

Found this article from @GOOD twitter post, quoting a startup CEO Sarah McKinney’s words on women entrepreneurs. I’m not taking any credits on this post, as it is literally as is taken — because it is really as good.

Here are 10 ways women can take action:

1. Stop talking about being a victim—words become beliefs that become reality. Look for the gratitude and lessons in every situation.

2. Smile & say “thank you” when complimented.

3. Practice having honest & open dialogue—start with family or close friends & then move outwards. Be mindful of appropriateness, but eventually this kind of authentic vulnerability & boundary setting will feel seamless, natural, and empowering.

4. Don’t wait for an invitation—ask for what you want. Nobody can read your mind, and life becomes much more fun when it’s interactive.

5. Stop discrediting your achievements, and do not apologize your way out of the discomfort you feel as a result of your growth. Own it.

6. If you’ve been talking about wanting to do something for a while, seek support and GO DO IT. Your taking action gives others permission to do the same.

7. Set realistic expectations for yourself, and let go of the desire to be perfect. Watch as your frustrations with other people’s imperfections ease.

8. If you feel competitive with another women, reach out and offer to help her out. It’s amazing what counter-action (and a little kindness) can do to dissolve negative feelings. Do this for yourself—resentment is toxic only to the one harboring it.

9. Stop obsessing & talking about your guilt. This self-centeredness stalls needed progress. Instead, use your emotions as a guidepost, allowing you to course-correct at anytime.

10. Raise your hand, and keep it up.


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